i wanted to show you all what i did last weekend.
for i long time i’ve been wanting to set up my track outside and make some video.
but as you all know, it’s kinda complicated so i’ve been thinking for a long time about how to do it…
saturday night i made a trackplan in wintrack and early sunday morning, about 8 o’clock , i went outside and started to build a layout…
it took me about 4 hours to set up and about the same to take down again.
a lot of work but it was worth it.
the kids (in all ages) really loved it so it was a big success…
This would be a sponsoring event that every model train makers should do around the planet just to promote their stuff…
You made and showed everything that should be necessary to show everyone how easy and impressing model railway can be !
(just a question, did you use embedded decoders inside crossing tracks ? )
thanks for watching and you’re right… i have thought about contacting märklin to make a tour but it will properly never amount to anything
I guess they have lost the basic instinct to create an event where people are, and where they are likely to reach maximum people.
They prefer exhibitions for grown ups who would buy the high end and expensive models, but fail to remember it is not in the old age that you recruit people, mostly at a time the electronic play gadgets are more comonly found, even in schools…
Well , that’s what I call a crazy track plan.Congratulations.
In my opinion this kind of layout is a pretty good commercial for marklin , it shows much more all the possibilities offered by the tracks than a static layout.Would be nice to do some exhibitions that way : people coming with a few boxes of c tracks and creating a layout following their own inspiration.