Et bien, il aura fallu attendre dix bonnes années avant qu’ESU se fende de fournir une nouvelle révision de la partie logicielle de sa Centrale : Mise à jour du micrologiciel 4.2.13
Je pensais peut-être comme certains d’entre vous que cette Centrale avait atteint ses limites et qu’ESU travaillait à sa remplaçante et faut croire que non.
Dans le détail quoi de nouveau :
Release Notes for Software 4.2.13 for ECoS 50200 / ECoS 50000 / Central Station Reloaded
- ADD: Redesign of the Shuttle train system
- ADD: Button for changing the shown locomotive within a consist (Multiple Unit).
Convenient for switching an individual function of a locomotive or for briefly cycling it
Press the “Multi” display in the speedometer to take it out of the consist and drive it
individually (Can not be the the only locomotive in consist, consist must be stopped). - ADD: Random condition for routes and shuttle trains.
Random condition cannot be “Triggering”. After testing of the remaining conditions,
a “dice” is thrown to determine whether the trigger should actually be triggered.
You can use it, for example, to create on-demand stops in shuttle trains or random train movements
in routes. A false condition never becomes true due to a random condition. - ADD: Routes can now be used like accessory items as a triggering condition for routes and shuttle trains.
Hint: You can also test whether a route turns “red” because one of its member accessory items has changed. - BUGFIX: Problems with uploading locomotive images
- ADD: Sending of analog brake commands to the track. ECoS joysticks can be configured to act als
brake controllers. When a brake function is active, an icon appears on the screen displayed. - ADD: RealSpeed is read back from the decoder via RailCom and distributed to the throttle. Works
both with built-in booster and ECoSBoost.
Changes to the Shuttle trains:
- You can now create 10 shuttle trains instead of 8
- There are now 16 stops instead of 2 final stops and 4 intermediate stops.
- For each stop, you can choose whether it is a final stop (commute) or an intermediate stop.
- There is no longer a logical order of stops. The “direction of travel” within
the shuttle train is now used when the locomotive is added to the Shuttle train
(direction of travel when added is “Forward” within the Shuttle Train).
Important for intermediate stops depending on the direction of travel. - You can now define a set of conditions like those for routes.
- You can set an Arrival delay when triggering before the train starts to stop.
- The Stopover duration time can now be up to 5 minutes.
- You can now set an Departure condition in addition to the Stopover condition.
- You can set a departure delay. This can optionally also be random be within the set delay.
ECoSNet computer interface extensions:
- Reading the real speed of a locomotive:
The ECoS can read the current real speed of the LokSound5 and LokPilot5 decoders
from firmware 5.10.166. The ECoS cannot currently display these values by itself, but
publish it to clients via the PC interface. For this feature, RailCom must be enabled in both
the ECoS and the decoder. Throttles such as Mobile Control II (from app version 1.2.1) can display these.
The attribute in the PC interface is realspeed[], the value range is an integer of
0 (0%) to 255 (100%). The scaling currently has to be done in the Throttle’s user interface.
You can either query the speed directly with get(, realspeed) or receive all changes automatically
via “view”. Since realspeed can generate a lot of events, submit one normal request(, view) is
not possible, you have to explicitly use a view on the attribute request(, view, attribute[realspeed]).
- Analog functions, joysticks and brake functions:
The previous joystick functionality using the analog whistle function has been revised. The ECoS
now supports all 256 DCC analog functions. These can be sent to any locomotive.
The command for the PC interface is analogfunction[, ], nr from 0 to 255,
value also from 0 (off) to 255 (maximum). Analog functions are not persistent (the values are not stored
in the internal database). They are refreshed on the track only if they are not equal to 0. Therefore, they should
be set back to 0 if no longer used.
The following analog functions are currently supported by LokSound decoders:
Playable Whistle: 127 (LokSound 4 only)
Brake function 1: 152 (LokSound 5 only)
Brake function 2: 153 (LokSound 5 only)
Brake function 3: 154 (LokSound 5 only)
The use of the analog functions for the joystick (ECoS) or Slider (Mobile Control II) can be configured individually
for each locomotive using the user interface: For the ECoS the setting is found under
Edit locomotive → Properties → Tacho display. A digital and an analogue function can be set separately for
the joystick up/down. In the Mobile Control II app there is a corresponding option in the edit locomotive menu.
Since a locomotive can brake to a standstill with the appropriate sound project when the brake is set, the ECoS
shows a symbol in the speedometer if a brake function is set. Even if no analog functions in the ECoS are linked
to the joystick, you can release all brakes by pressing the brake warning light to make the locomotive drivable again.
Récupéré mais pas encore installé sur la mienne, à suivre…